

포트폴리오 상세
WAVEPIA invites you to EuMW 2024 in Paris, France
Who We Are
Founded in 2014, WAVEPIA is a RFIC/MMIC design house headquartered in Korea. We design and develop a wide range of RF GaN HEMT bare die, MMIC and packaged RF GaN transistors operating up to 40 GHz and up to hundreds of watts. We can also design GaAs and CMOS ICs. Using our own GaN transistors, WAVEPIA designs and manufactures solid-state microwave generators that generate up to several kW of saturated output power for the RF energy market. While we have a wide range of standard products, all WAVEPIA devices can be customized upon request. In addition to defense, communications and RF energy applications, WAVEPIA devices find opportunities in the general purpose, ISM, test and measurement, satellite and 5G/6G markets.
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